What Does Acupuncture Feel Like?
Many first-time patients are concerned that acupuncture needles will feel like hypodermic injections at the doctor’s office. They won't. Acupuncture uses hair-thin, flexible needles that you will hardly feel when I insert them. When I gently stimulate the needles they may produce a unique sensation that Oriental medicine calls de qi. Patients often describe de qi as a heavy, achy pressure, or spreading, traveling feeling. You may also feel an "electrical" sensation moving down the meridian pathways, though this is less common. Most patients find these acupuncture sensations deeply satisfying and leave the treatment feeling relaxed both mentally and physically.
Acupuncture treatment creates deep relaxation
in both mind and body.
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
The benefits of acupuncture are cumulative, so more than one treatment is necessary. If you are experiencing pain and I cannot reduce it within the first few visits, I will recommend you discontinue treatment and may recommend other types of therapy or an acupuncturist who specializes in your condition. I practice several styles of acupuncture that produce results immediately. My goal is to reduce your symptoms as quickly as possible. A maintenance schedule is then recommended to keep things in check. Chronic conditions may take longer to respond, depending on the type, severity, and duration of the condition.